Monica Bill Barnes + Company

Suddenly Summer Somewhere

Photo: Steven Schreiber

Monica Bill Barnes + Company

Suddenly Summer Somewhere

Curated by Hannah Whitaker

August 7–8, 2009

Two small women stand on top of a dining room table.  In silence, carefully navigating the tabletop, they send silverware crashing to the floor.  Simultaneously hilarious and painful, Suddenly Summer Somewhere explores how the passage of time affects the collective lives of two people.  Remaining side by side through most of the work the performers embody two quirky, fallible, and utterly human personalities.  The dance unfolds among a simple domestic set featuring Barnes' own dining room table and is accompanied by the live recordings of the Rat Pack in concert.

"Her astute talent for creating deadpan gestures for two sad-sack women who stumble into Dean martin's lugubrious world marks her as a savvy comedian.  Her Suddenly Summer Somewhere brimmed with pathos and laughter, a rare gift in dance."

— Rita Felciano, San Francisco Bay Guardian

"Ms. Barnes specializes in the nuttily unexpected. "Suddenly Summer Somewhere" barrels along once it hits the floor, a thing of manic, mugging grins; lumbering embraces; and big, juicy syncopated sprints through space that seems to have just opened out. Suddenly love has pushed through zany, witty pratfalls for the body and the soul.” '— Jennifer Dunning, The New York Times

— Jennifer Dunning, The New York Times