Michelle Boulé


Michelle Boulé

and BREAK>Urge>Imprint

July 6, 2013

New Duet: White (working title)
Choreography: Michelle Boulé in collaboration with Lindsay Clark Sound:  Okkyung Lee
Lighting:  Natalie Robin

BREAK>Urge>Imprint is a collaborative performance by dancer Michelle Boulé and cellist Okkyung Lee. Connected by their absolute and articulate physicality, Boulé and Lee push to the edge of sonic and choreographic boundaries into an atmospheric and sculptural consciousness. Through the vehicle of improvisation, they gradually penetrate and map a space where perception of form shifts, and a new dimension of performance opens. In addition, Boulé presents a new duet for herself and dancer Lindsay Clark, with sound by Okkyung Lee. Exploring the banality and intricacies of everyday movements, this work in progress reframes this unspoken vocabulary with meaning, perspective, humor, and understanding.
Performed and created by Michelle Boulé and Okkyung Lee
Lighting Advisor:  Natalie Robin
Technical Director:  Natalie Robin
Associate Producer:  Caitlin Simpson

““Ms. Boulé is one of her generation’s many strong examples of the dander as artist.” — The New York Times

About the Artists
Michelle Boulé is a Bessie Award-winning performer, choreographer, and teacher based in New York. She is a 2012-14 NY Movement Research Artist-in-Residence.

Okkyung Lee incorporates jazz, sounds, Korean traditional music, and noise with extended techniques to create her unique blend of music. She is the recipient of a Foundation for Contemporary Arts grant (2010).

New Duet: White was made possible, in part, through Movement Research Artist-in-Residence Program, funded, in part, by the Mertz Gilmore Foundation and the Davis/Dauray Family Fund.

BREAK>Urge>Imprint was made possible with funding from the foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Program.

Performance Program